Meredith - melodic/metal band

Před 6 dny - Hlavní město Praha - BAZOS
Kapela Meredith hledá sólového kytaristu a baskytaristu. Hledáme zkušenější muzikanty ale šanci mají i mladší hráči. V případe zájmu nás kontaktuj: tel: 733 591 495, nebo Díky. The band Meredith is looking for a lead guitarist... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha

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Henning Mankell: Sidetracked (anglicky)
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Hlavní město Praha
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Hlavní město Praha
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Hlavní město Praha
Looking for a VIOLIN player for folk music project, BRNO
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Jihomoravský kraj
Vinyl Zelenáči, LP Greenhorns: Písně Větru Z Hor
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Hlavní město Praha
1971 Fender Super Reverb Silver Face- Open to Trade
Před 109 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Selling this great amp, nothing wrong with it at all, I just can't play it at home, and looking for a smaller wattage amp. But it's a beauty, the best cleans I have ever heard. This is already considered a proper Vintage amp, and it is indeed a great amplifier, I've had a couple of great guitar players testing it and the feedback is of actual surprise om how good it is, even at low volumes. It's a 1971, as you may know, these early 70s Super Reverbs circuit was very similar to the earlier Black Faces, the main change was the headroom, this 1971 does not start breaking until 7 on the volume, Black Faces broke a lot earlier. These amps are way rarer and more appreciated than the Master Volume models that came after. The electronics on this amp are in great condition for a 53 year old amp, 90% of the electronics are still original. Incredibly the original Mallory Capacitors are still in, and in great shape, with ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
40 000
Guitar tracks for your song
Před 259 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Hello everyone! My name is Erkin. I am a guitarist with 16 years of experience. I’ve moved to Prague a while ago and started to recreate my home studio in this beautiful city. Now it’s done and I am ready to write professional guitar parts for your songs! If... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
1985607-70-2 and others 【Esther】+86 15915823121
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We support sample testing. If you are looking for a supplier of this product, we will be a better choice for you. Whatsapp: 【Esther】+86 15915823121 Delivery: Within 24 hours after payment Delivery lead time: within 3-7 days after ... (více v detailu)
Jihomoravský kraj
Paid interview for YouTube
Před 87 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HYPERINZERCE
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Hlavní město Praha
Další nabídky najdete zde: Hudebníci, kapely, koncerty