Chase Tone Fuzz Fella (BC109C 2.0)

Před 68 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Amazing Fuzz! New version from this year. It comes with the original box and papers. I d... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
3 800

Podobné inzeráty

Hit-News Die Neue - Lp
Před 3 dny - SBAZAR
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Keane - Live 2007 Koncert na disku Blu-ray
Před 6 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
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Tony Bennett - Duets II Koncert Live na Blu-ray
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Hlavní město Praha
Stevie R. Vaughan: Soul to Soul, gramodeska 1990
Před 10 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble: Soul to Soul ... ... LP gramofonová deska, originál obal + vnitřní informační list, vydavatel: nakladatelství Supraphon; rok 1990, made in Czechoslovakia, dobrý stav ... ... vhodné nejen pro sběratele, cena 420,- Kč + poštovné 85,- Kč ČP doporučená zásilka (nebo 75,- Kč ČP - Balíkovna) nebo osobně. ----- Say What! Lookin' Out The Window Look At Little ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
DJ Bobo - Circus The Show Live Koncert na Blu-ray
Před 11 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
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Hlavní město Praha
Sade - Bring Me Home : Live 2011 Koncert Blu-ray
Před 11 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
Sade připravilo nejdůležitější koncertní Blu-ray roku 2012 a v tom se absolutně nedá přehánět. Kdo měl možnost vidět Sade v akci během tohoto turné, netrvá dlouho přesvědčovat. Koncert britské formace se stal mimořádnou událostí. Jeho kouzlo bylo v kombinaci hlasu Sade Adu s nádhernou grafikou a speciálním vizuálem pro každý zpívaný hit jiný (obří disco koule, červené závěsy, krajiny promítané na obrovská plátna, speciálně natočené klipy, výtahy atd.). Všichni, kteří neměli možnost s... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Revox 77A 4 track M1
Před 14 dny - Plzeňský kraj - BAZOS
Revox 77A 4 track ( later changed to A77 with M2, ) excellent working condition, a very early one, serial N0-G004453, the sound is warm and alive. this tape machine has been well maintained, the sale is for everything, Revox tape machine, Nab Hubs and Reels x 2 with tape, it also comes with a Manual and power cable. If you want to see this beauty in action, email... (více v detailu)
Plzeňský kraj
19 900
Bluebell Original Guitar Leather Strap
Před 68 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Hi everybody! For sale this amazing strap from the great Blue Bell brand, that was a present but it is too small for me. So, it is totally new and unused. The model is "Johnson Strap limited e... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
2 000
Skreddy P19 Fuzz (Gilmour in a Box)
Před 68 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
All you need is Fuzz! Like new, with the original box. Two months and over 300€ to get ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
5 500
Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass
Před 71 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Not really using this bass anymore, as I switched to a J-Bass style bass in the past year. It has an active circuit for bass boosting if you're into that. The guitar tech did some general fretwork earlier this year (levelling, rounding edges), and it’s pretty comfortable to play now, with no fret buzz whatsoever. I’m including a standard gig bag as well with it. Can meet in Vršovice an... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
6 500
Bluebell Original Guitar Leather Strap
Před 73 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Hi everybody! For sale this amazing strap from the great Blue Bell brand, that was a present but it is too small for me. So, it is totally new and unused. The model is "Johnson Strap limited e... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
2 500
Polyend Tracker Limited Silver Edition
Před 73 dny - HUDEBNIBAZAR
I am selling a Polyend Tracker limited edition (Silver) - with metal chassis. Comes with original Polyend case and all accessories Bought from Polyend website on 01/2023 Perfect state used occasio... (více v detailu)
13 000
Stratocaster Vintage V6M ReIssued Firenza Red
Před 76 dny - Liberecký kraj - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Hello everyone, I am selling an electric guitar, Vintage V6M ReIssued Firenza Red, in which I modified, Pickguard, Heavy tremolo bar, 60s neck (Bach) Fenders type plus vintage Fender decal. All specifications about Guitar Body, Electronics, Components and Hardware, you can find it here.. The reason for the sale is because I ... (více v detailu)
Liberecký kraj
10 000
JET JL-500 Goldtop, SD Pearly Gates pickups,new Electronics
Před 81 dny - HUDEBNIBAZAR
I have had this guitar for about 6 months, and am not going to lie this is an very well built guitar. It's not really a Gold top as such, is more of a Copper, but depending on the angle and lightning, it does look gold. This guitar is as good as the Sire guitars. The neck is quite thin, like a 61 SG. But details like the top carve, beautiful dark Rosewood fretboard ( not stained), bone nutt, the dish is so deep and beautiful. The only thing that needs upgrading is the tunners. It had good stability, but it would definitely help. It has a long neck tenon, which I found crazy, as usually only Custom Shop models from Gibson have it. The neck it has a scarf joint, so tougher than the normal Gibson construction. I gutted the whole of the electronics, added 500k CTS pots, orange drop Capacitors, a Switchcraft toggle switch, Gibson volume and tone knobs, Gibson cream Jack plate, vintage wiring, but most importantly... (více v detailu)
12 000
OFFER! Epiphone Zephyr Blues Deluxe Natural
Před 82 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Hi everybody! I am offering this beautiful Epiphone Zephyr Blues Deluxe, made in the Peerless factory in 2001. The value of these guitars is growing every day. It has one general tone knob, and an independent volume knob for each pickup. This guitar produced only from 1999 to 2005, pays tribute to the famous Gibson ES-5 played by T-Bone Walker, Lowell Fullson, or Chuck Berry in the '50s. The guitar is in excellent condition, almost n... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
27 000
Top Love Spells Caster In WALES(♥(+277][230][39][124)♥
Před 650 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HYPERINZERCE
((+27)-72-303-9124)) 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Mama Pinto [[+27-72-30-39-124]] in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other healers & sangomas. Stop suffering today! Change your life and archive your goals. No matter whom you are or religion you believe in, this type of treatment may be the only solutions to your problems with your long illness. Try this you will see a better change! If you have tried many doctors/healers with no progress, Just visit her to help you and she never fails. (+27723039124) My works is a mixture of African traditional spiritualism, psychic powers, rituals, native healing, spell casting, all of which are designed to take care of whatever adversity you may face. Have you been searching all over Internet to find a professional and real spell caster? If your answer to these questions are “YES”, then you have come to the right place! CONTACT ME... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Top Love Spells Caster In Australia🇦🇺♥(+277][230][39][124)
Před 650 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HYPERINZERCE
((+27)-72-303-9124)) 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Mama Pinto [[+27-72-30-39-124]] in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other healers & sangomas. Stop suffering today! Change your life and archive your goals. No matter whom you are or religion you believe in, this type of treatment may be the only solutions to your problems with your long illness. Try this you will see a better change! If you have tried many doctors/healers with no progress, Just visit her to help you and she never fails. (+27723039124) My works is a mixture of African traditional spiritualism, psychic powers, rituals, native healing, spell casting, all of which are designed to take care of whatever adversity you may face. Have you been searching all over Internet to find a professional and real spell caster? If your answer to these questions are “YES”, then you have come to the right place! CONTACT ME... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Top Love Spells Caster In USA,CANADA(♥(+277][230][39][124)♥
Před 650 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HYPERINZERCE
((+27)-72-303-9124)) 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Mama Pinto [[+27-72-30-39-124]] in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other healers & sangomas. Stop suffering today! Change your life and archive your goals. No matter whom you are or religion you believe in, this type of treatment may be the only solutions to your problems with your long illness. Try this you will see a better change! If you have tried many doctors/healers with no progress, Just visit her to help you and she never fails. (+27723039124) My works is a mixture of African traditional spiritualism, psychic powers, rituals, native healing, spell casting, all of which are designed to take care of whatever adversity you may face. Have you been searching all over Internet to find a professional and real spell caster? If your answer to these questions are “YES”, then you have come to the right place! CONTACT ME... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior SQL DevOps administrators
Před 940 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete součástí týmu zabývající se architekturou, implementací zákaznických projektů, vývojem, správou, automatizací a provozem prostředí našich klientů. Společně zajistíte stabilitu systému a zároveň budete poskytovat vysoce kvalitní služby. Are you experienced in SQL administration and development? Is SQL your passion? If your answers are yes, then come to join our SQL team and get this wonderful opportunity. At IT Relation we want to expand our team with more experienced, focused, and talented Microsoft SQL DevOps administrators to our office in Prague. You will be part of a group embodied by dedicated technicians dealing with architecture, customer project implementation, development, administration, automation, and operation of our clients' environments. Together you will ensure environmental stability, as well as provide high quality proactive service. How will be your typical day look like? As Microsoft SQL DevOps administrator at IT Relation, you are a part of a growing compan... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior SQL DevOps administrators
Před 940 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete součástí týmu zabývající se architekturou, implementací zákaznických projektů, vývojem, správou, automatizací a provozem prostředí našich klientů. Společně zajistíte stabilitu systému a zároveň budete poskytovat vysoce kvalitní služby. Are you experienced in SQL administration and development? Is SQL your passion? If your answers are yes, then come to join our SQL team and get this wonderful opportunity. At IT Relation we want to expand our team with more experienced, focused, and talented Microsoft SQL DevOps administrators to our office in Prague. You will be part of a group embodied by dedicated technicians dealing with architecture, customer project implementation, development, administration, automation, and operation of our clients' environments. Together you will ensure environmental stability, as well as provide high quality proactive service. How will be your typical day look like? As Microsoft SQL DevOps administrator at IT Relation, you are a part of a growing compan... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Charvel Model 1 Black - 1987 - JAPAN
Před 130 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Pro všechny milovníky klasiky – nabízím Charvel Model 1 z roku 1987 v elegantní černé, ve skvělém stavu. Tento kousek z éry japonského řemesla 80. let je perfektní volbou pro kytaristy, kteří mají rádi "superstrat" styl. S pevnou konstrukcí a hladkou hratelností se hodí pro rock, blues nebo jakýkoli žánr, kam chcete přinést kousek vintage zvuku. Specifikace: Tělo: Lipové dřevo Krk: Javor Hmatník: Javorový, se signaturním compound rádiusem Charvel (12"-16") Snímače: Jeden Jackson J-90C humbucker, poskytující ten pravý, úderný zvuk, kterým je Model 1 známý Kytara se prodává s ochranným soft casem, který ji udrží v bezpečí na cestách. Můžete si ji vyzkoušet u mě doma v Praze 4, jen 2 minuty pěšky od autobusové zastá... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
22 000
Grover Jackson Soloist NTB M.F Line 1990s - JAPAN
Před 130 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Pro fanoušky jedinečného japonského řemesla – nabízím nádherný Grover Jackson Soloist NTB M.F Line model z 90. let, vyrobený výhradně pro japonský trh. Tento kousek je raritní s výrobním číslem na hmatníku a je ve vynikajícím stavu s vylepšením pro všestranný a dynamický zvuk. Specifikace: Snímače: DiMarzio Breed (kobylka) a DiMarzio Fred (krk) – vyvážené tóny od hi-gain vedení po teplé a kulaté čisté zvuky Vlastnosti: Push-pull potenciometr pro rozdělení cívek, zachovávající dynamiku a vysoké frekvence i při nižší hlasitosti Styl: Ideální pro hard rock, heavy a metalové styly Možnost vyzkoušení v Praze 4, blízko zastávky Novodvorská (m. Kačerov). S ochranným pouzdrem. Kontakt přes hudebnibazar, e-mailem nebo na WhatsApp/SMS/Telegram. Hovory prosím ne. -... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
30 000
1971 Fender Super Reverb Silver Face- Open to Trade
Před 129 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Selling this great amp, nothing wrong with it at all, I just can't play it at home, and looking for a smaller wattage amp. But it's a beauty, the best cleans I have ever heard. This is already considered a proper Vintage amp, and it is indeed a great amplifier, I've had a couple of great guitar players testing it and the feedback is of actual surprise om how good it is, even at low volumes. It's a 1971, as you may know, these early 70s Super Reverbs circuit was very similar to the earlier Black Faces, the main change was the headroom, this 1971 does not start breaking until 7 on the volume, Black Faces broke a lot earlier. These amps are way rarer and more appreciated than the Master Volume models that came after. The electronics on this amp are in great condition for a 53 year old amp, 90% of the electronics are still original. Incredibly the original Mallory Capacitors are still in, and in great shape, with ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
40 000
Yamaha THR10 V1 for sale
Před 232 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Hi. I am selling Yamaha THR10 V1, purchased in Korea around 2016, only used it at home. Everything works as it should. I do not have box, manual and free access ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
4 500
Epiphone SG G-400 PRO Ebony jako nová
Před 167 dny - Hlavní město Praha - HUDEBNIBAZAR
Epiphone SG G-400 PRO Ebony Description A classic SG now with Alnico Classic PROTM pickups and coil-tapping!
Epiphone honors the historic SG, one of the most original designs in rock, with the G-400 PRO, which now features Alnico Classic PROTM pickups and push/pull coil-tapping. The original SG not only rivaled guitars of its own... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
8 000
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